Sunday, August 8, 2010

Forgiveness; of every kind.

This is one example of forgiveness that I think will always stick with me. The loss of a major part of your life, is something that I think a lot of us (gratefully) don't know about. We don't know how it feels, and we can merely imagine how it would be to be Christ Williams. To each is their own.

This is another example of not just forgiveness, but an example of Jesus Christ. Paul Cardall, instead of cursing the fates he was born into, has dedicated his life, to Christ. If you only had one year to live, what would you change?

Coming up on a lot of things in life, I've decided to do things right. I'm tired of being afraid that someone will get mad if I'm nice. I'd rather they not like me for being kind, than not like me for being rude. Every choice has consequences, and every consequence is a stepping stone that you picked out with your choice. It's like winning a mystery gift.. "Do what is right, let the choice you made, pave a new step stone that will help you progress."

This is a rough draft of a letter that's taken my 1 1/2 months to write, and will take a lot more guts to actually GIVE to the person it's to. Forgiveness may become easy for some as they learn the lesson, it's just hoping that others will be as willing to forgive you as well.

Dear You,
I have no idea how to put this, and I have no idea how you'll react, but I'm hoping that some good will come from this in the long run.

They say that with time, with effort, and with the intent of progressing and bettering yourself, that you do. I can say that with time, with healing and with many trials and tribulations, I have come to the point to where I am able to see what I am, and what I was. "Prone to wander" is one of my #1 realizations. I have had rough points in life, and I've acted and reacted unjustly in many cases, while many others were handled with absolute love and kindness. Sadly, I treated you, and reacted unjustly to you. I'm not begging for friendship, I'm not begging for you to think of me as a saint, but I am, in fact, asking for your forgiveness.

You, I have been so wrong to try and degrade you. The point at which you came into my life was not exactly the best of timing, and I acted childish, and immaturely to your kind attempts to befriend me in the most genuine and christ-like manners.

While you and I have both done our wrong, our hurt, and our own of defending what we love most, I believe that I owe you and apology. I am so sorry for calling you what you did, and I'm sorry for jumping to events in your past where I could have left them be. I am intrigued to know your side of the story, but I don't want to hear that the other involved was the one at fault. I believe that you are a wonderful person, with talents that many of us could only dream of. I've come to realize that you and I are more alike than we'll give credit for. We really are.

Here's me, asking for your forgiveness, and asking for a chance to take things from scratch - for the both of us. We don't have to be friends, but I'd love to get to the point to where we can both speak of one another with fond memories of events where we have solid reasons why we know that one another is a good person in many, many ways.

I pray for you, and always ask for the blessing of progression, and blessings in your behalf, for whatever you stand in need of.

Thanks for helping me remember who I am and what I truly stand for.
Natalia A. May

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