Friday, July 9, 2010

I am just one voice

I've decided to start a project called the "I am just one voice" project. My goal is to get it known out there, to anyone, if just one person, of the strength, power, happiness and blessings of all my beliefs, and that I may be just one voice, but one voice can still be heard.

I based it on a song from EFY

I am just one voice
But one voice can still be heard
I have made the choice to seal my witness with my word
Changed by holy fire, that has burned into my soul
Filled with new desire, that calls me down to go

I am just one voice, but one voice can carry far
Rising through the noise, of a world so deaf and dark
Shining bright and clear, to those with eyes to see
Honest hearts will hear, the truth that lives in me

One but not alone, a thousand voices sing
Praises at the throne, of our master and our king
With one voice
One voice

I am just one voice,
But a voice of light and hope
Grateful I rejoice as I share the gifts I hold
I will search with all my strength, for the humble and the meek
Praying, they'll receive the simple truth I speak

One but not alone, a thousand voices sing
Praises at the throne, of our master and our king
With one voice
One voice

He was just one voice, but one voice that changed the earth
Teaching love and peace to a lost and weary world

I am just one voice, but one voice that will be heard
I have made the choice to seal my witness with my word

So from here on out, this is for the ones seeking the truth, whether they were born into the gospel, or are desirous to gain their own knowledge.

Come what may, and loved it.
Wherever I end up in my life, if I hit the road of a celebrity, if I become famous, and people start to question my belief's, let it be known that no matter where I am, I will always be me. No pressure, no word, no industry of any sort will push me to claim anything against what I know to be true.

I know that my Redeemer Lives.
I know this church is true, and so do you.
I know that the power of repentance is real.
I know that one day, we will all be blessed to stand before the Lord.
I know that one day, I will be judged according to the desires of my heart.

"Who am I to judge another, when I walk imperfectly?"

-Sister May

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