Sunday, July 18, 2010

Place No More For The Enemy Of My Soul

In 2004 the pornography industry raked in 57 BILLION dollars. That's right, billion.
In 2010, the SAME INDUSTRY raked in a... can you guess? A whopping 97 BILLION.

This may seem blunt, random and to the point, but that's what needs to be done.
I learned about this in Relief Society today, and as it's hard to talk about, it's easy to understand the dance involved.

I know of a few temple marriages, kids involved, GREAT people, where pornography tore that family to shreds.

One of the biggest problems is that people don't get help. As this is a growing problem not only in the world, but in the church, you can understand how this is something worth repeating.

25% of men have ADMITTED to viewing pornography while in the work place.
13% of women have also ADMITTED to viewing pornography in the work place, as well.
And that's only those who have admitted.

A woman in Relief Society just got back from being an EFY counselor for 2 weeks, and she said that there was this girl who came to her and talked about how her 17 year old boyfriend was addicted to pornography, and she didn't know what to do. This woman seeked for help, and asked the girl to pray about what she should do. That girl broke up with her boyfriend the VERY same day.

I don't think there's a shameful person who views pornography, but there is a person who shamefully views pornography. How many would admit to viewing porn, being in the church and such?

Another woman in Relief Society stated that sometimes WE ARE walking pornography. How many of us are LDS women, and we get by with our dress standards? How many of us would be repulsed, and upset if we found out that our significant other, spouse, or brother/father viewed such vile material? Do WE dress appropriately?

A point was made that men are visual beings. They can visualize everything. Pornography, once viewed, will always be subject to recall. It will burn a crater into your mind, and can tear the strongest soul down the the deepest depths of misery.

There is so much to enjoy in this life, and sometimes temptation does get the best of us. Think of King David, King Solomon, and others like that. They started out so righteous... but what went wrong? Temptation, and evil.

"Satan seeks for destruction, but will settle for distraction."

Danger Ahead! Avoiding Pornography's Trap

FOR YOUTHWhy is pornography considered such a big deal? We let three young men tell their stories of entrapment, struggle, and despair. And of how they were finally rescued. View Full Article Here.

FOR SPOUSES It's difficult to watch your spouse make harmful choices. But hope and peace are available—for both of you. Full Article

FOR INDIVIDUALSMay the joy of our fidelity to the highest and best within us be ours as we keep our love and our marriages, our society and our souls, as pure as they were meant to be. Full Article

Did you know that if you search "pornography" on that 862 references show up?

General Authorities were giving speeches on the topic back in the early 60's.
What does that tell you?
It's been a problem for a really long time now, and will continue to be a problem.

There is so much in this world to enjoy, and to be, and to do. Why this? What is there that you gain from something like viewing pornography? Nothing.

I don't have all the answers, but there IS help.

-Sister May

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