Friday, July 16, 2010

Music: The Language of Angels

‎"Music the language of angels. It was our reminder we were blessed with when we were sent here. Some of us are less musically inclined because it was our trial to be given other blessings while here. Angels of good and of evil surround. Listen, for in the language of eternity, comes the responsibility to remind, push forward and help others hear the voice as well." -Natalia May

"The thought intriguing song that brought this up, is the Star Trek Insurrection Theme song. On youtube, it's about 40 seconds into the theme song that hit home. I was bawling, and all I could think was "Heavenly Father really does care for us." The concept for my status came from something my mom told me once. I was about 12, and I was listening to an instrumental piece (Fantasia on a Theme by Ralph Vaughan Williams) and I couldn't help but cry. And my mom came in and said "We're blessed with emotions, feelings, and languages unknown to our mere mortal minds. We, as humans, cannot comprehend the power and connection that music has on us, fully. Can you imagine how much we would know, if we could merely comprehend the fullness of music, it's purpose, and the influence it not only has in our mortal lives, but our spiritual?" Ever since then, I've had this desire, this appetite to fully expound on the blessing I've been given by being able to connect with music as a whole; both creating, listening and fully engulfing myself in the emotion of it all."

"And also the Star Trek First Contact theme.. I'm, at the moment, listening to Star Trek First Contact Theme for the 7th time since being home from work. Music really is one of the biggest blessings we have in this life... I hope to convey to others the importance of listening to uplifting, strength improving, and pure music. There's so much trash out there now'a'days."

There are some things in this life that can be presented to me, and my walls of any stressful day, fall. I can just relish in those things, and they are the constant reminders of why I go about my day, why I continually improve, and why I always feel bad after being harsh towards someone, even if I am right, and I was standing up for someone.
As a carrier of the blessing to be able to spread the language of eternity, I feel that I am responsible for the well being of so many, and it hit me like a ton of bricks about a month ago.
Being home, you're able to open up a part of you that's left there. Everywhere you go in life, everywhere you move, live and end up... you leave a different legacy of who you are. When I'm home, I become this person who is automatically kicked into high gear mode, staying alert of all evil trying to fight the good that I inherently carry. It amazes me to see who I was, and who I am now. I'm not a WHOLE NEW NATALIA, I'm an improved Daughter of God. It is something else when you realize that there's not a single being on this earth who you would wish any hate, pain, or any other affliction on. I would give anything to right my wrongs, and to redo a lot of what I've done.
It's been such a tragedy, but strengthening experience to watch as some close family friends are mourning the loss of their brother/son who commit suicide last week. It's amazing what people will do, and what people remember most in times like such. When you're at the end of their memory, and you remember all the good they did, it's amazing how strong bonds like family, and love can carry you on through life. I wish them all the blessings of this world, and I know that he will be judged accordingly. And we can't say what will happen to him, but I know that with a family as amazing as this one, and someone who had it rough being in the military in times like these, there will always be that hope that he will be waiting for your arrival in the eternities.

Music, death, charity, and service. I'd like to think of those things as being the language of an eternity awaiting us in the future. Death is only the beginning.. so many people see it as something scary and hard, but knowing what I do, death is a step into paradise. I don't fear death, but I do fear for the pain that others feel as the result of the loss of a loved one. I've always been intrigued by that saying "Mourning the loss of a loved one." A loss to this timed life, but a continuation of a spiritual plantation, where we'll know everything, remember everything, and we'll be able to hug, hold, and be close to the one person who has carried our burdens, taking our bullets, and has sacrificed himself for the sake of empathy, eternal life, and eternal companionship.
So many do not marry in this life, and I hurt with those who feel the pain of their desire to grow old with someone, but were meant to live this life on their own. I believe that it's those who will receive the greatest blessings above all in heaven, who will be blessed with the most chosen, most beloved above all. Imagine those who were blessed with the protection of being mentally or physically handicapped, and thus are unable to be married at all.

Anytime I try to imagine what walking into the celestial kingdom is like, I can only imagine hordes of people. They say that those you blessed in this life, will be there to greet you in the eternities. Generations of families will be there, hugging you, blessing and praising you. Thanking you. Your family there, waiting to welcome you to your kingdom, your kingdom as a family. One thing that I have always liked about Star Trek is that they travel far distances, and end up on planets of all kinds. Each different, but all out there waiting. Isn't that what it'll be like when we get to heaven? Relieved of our mortal burdens, restored to perfection... I don't think we can even imagine what awaits us. The hosts of heaven who will trumpet, and bow to us when we get back.

We are the chosen children, chosen for the last days. I would imagine that we had to be pretty strong spirits to be given the privilege to wait to come to the earth these days. I wonder how it felt for us to watch our friends and family go to earth before us, watching them suffer, and be tried... how we felt when they gave up. I would figure that an eternal bond is a bond that is felt through the pre-mortal all the way to the very end of our journey. No matter how hard it is, how great the reward will be, and how great the halls of heaven will be when we return. Our friends and family who went before us, awaiting our arrival... can you even begin to think how hard it would be if we gave up, and we had to face them anyways? I figure they'll love us unconditionally, and endlessly.. it'll be a sight to see, and I can't wait to see it.

That's about it for this blog. I might post more...

I know that the gospel is true, I know that Jesus Christ died on the cross for me, and that one day I will be blessed to be in his presence again. I know that Joseph Smith lived, and that he was and is still a true and living prophet of our Heavenly Father, and God in Heaven. I know that families are forever, and that there is no trial in this life that was given to us by accident. I know that everything in my life will be for my experience. I know that I have been blessed with my family, friends and loved ones for a purpose beyond my understanding at this point in time. I know that one day we will all be restored to our fullest, most perfected selves, and I know that in order to find happiness, you have to realize that being strong CAN be a very lonely thing, that strength isn't something you have, it's something you find, and that it IS something that God helps you find. I know that the power of forgiveness is real, and that one day this will all make sense. I know that I have been blessed with friends like the ones I have, for reasons beyond my understanding, but none the less, they will always be blessings, and reminders of all the good in this world that still exists. I am grateful for a Prophet today, who helps me be a better me, for a better tomorrow. I know that if you do what you know is right, no matter the cost, that you will be blessed with more than you can imagine. I know that I have been blessed with the physical attributes that I have, because I am strong enough to see that this body is a blessing in disguise. A disguise that will be gone in years to come. I love my family, my friends, my Heavenly Father, my job, the church, the gospel, and my absolutely amazing boyfriend, who helps me be better, by reminding me of what I'm striving for.

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


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